40 Day Journey - Introduction


The next 40 days are about less of the flesh in order to have more of God’s active presence in your life. This journey begins March 12 and finishes up on April 20, Resurrection Sunday (Easter).  This Journey needs to be about taking time to reflect on what Jesus Christ has done for us. The less of me journey Jesus took was more than 40 days for it was 33 ½ years of separating himself from Heaven’s splendor in order to participate in earth’s poorness.

As you deny yourself, may you as Christ did, also experience a resurrection by coming forth renewed into a greater awareness of your life being transformed into The Lord’s image through the Holy Spirit’s help.

First step in this resurrection journey:  John 3:30 (KJV) He must increase, but I must decrease.

Final step in this resurrection journey: Romans 8:11 (NIV) if the same Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of His Spirit who lives in you.

During these 40 days you will be challenged each day with something to fast, or decrease, in your life so Christ can increase in you. Whether you choose to only do that day’s challenge and go on to the next or you choose to add each day to the next throughout the 40 day pilgrimage is up to you.  Also there will be times of fasting a meal, or media, if you are on dietary restrictions you can substitute something else, and as far as the media, whether you choose all day or just set aside a certain time, will be left up to you. Your 40 day Resurrection Journey will end on Resurrection (Easter) Sunday.

May this 40 day Journey you are on, end with you not just celebrating the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, but also experiencing a resurrection in your own life.

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