40 Day Journey - Day 11

March 2
Psalm 139:23,24
Search me, O God and know my heart; test me and know my thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.   

In this Psalm of David we see a desire to be pure and holy before God. David looks to The Lord as the source of direction to everlasting life. David also knew of the importance to have his heart in the right place. David's desire to not offend God caused him to ask God to search his heart and test his thoughts.      
When one prays this kind of prayer they are requesting a test that will make them aware of every hidden thought or desire that is not pleasing to God. We know God already knows our thoughts and desires, but how aware are we of those things hidden in our lives that are not pleasing to God? It takes a great desire to please God to offer such a request as David's.
Think about it this way - consider it like running a test for spyware or malware on your computer and everything that could bring harm to the integrity of your computer is revealed and causing a serious issue with its performance. The same is true with a heart and mind that is cluttered with junk that is offensive to God. The Holy Spirit is no longer able to flow through it as it once did; our thoughts are no longer in tune with God's direction. We find ourselves sitting lifeless in church with little or no desire to worship or pray. We are in danger of a total spiritual shut-down without any willingness for God's testing. Ask The Lord to search your heart and mind today so that you can join with David on the path of everlasting life.

Reprehensibleness meaning: Deserving of rebuke, very bad, blameworthy.
Fast Reprehensibleness today by not doing anything offensive to God and don’t allow the mistakes of the past to control your life.

1 Comment

Adam Smith - March 11th, 2023 at 6:23am

Heavenly Father, may my heart and mind stay focused on you always. Amen