40 Day Journey - Day 14

March 5
Fast a Meal

1 Peter 2:5
And now God is building you, as living stones, into his spiritual temple. What's more, you are God's holy priests, who offer the spiritual sacrifices that please him because of Jesus Christ.

         And now God is building you - because of our relationship with Jesus Christ we have the honor of being a temple of God. As a temple filled with His presence we can offer spiritual sacrifices that please God. The beauty of this verse is the reference to God's work within us. You have been given all you need to grow in God's favor and to bring glory to Him.
        The term living stones is a significant one - meaning permanent, solid and strong - yet able to feel, have compassion, and make decisions that produce fruit in the kingdom. Our calling into the kingdom is because of one - Jesus Christ- yet our lives are made up of Individual choices dedicated to God's direction.
        The wonder of this spiritual temple is its uniqueness - it is made up of millions of lives that God has placed together. Each life has an individual beauty, but when placed together, they bring a glory to the Heavenly Father like nothing else on the face of the earth. Enjoy your day but don't forget to put on your Holy Ghost hard hat because God is still building you.

Fast a meal and spend that time as a spiritual sacrifice in prayer making yourself available for use in building God’s kingdom.


Pastor - March 14th, 2023 at 4:44pm

Looking forward to thus today, nothing like time in HIS presence. Have your way Lord. Have your way.

Pastor - March 5th, 2024 at 4:16pm

Start hammering LORD!