40 Day Journey - Day 25

March 16
Fast Vengefulness 
Thessalonians 5:15
Make sure nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always strive for to do what is good for each other  and for everyone one else.

        Growing up it was a common phrase given to me, and I am sure many children when a parent was leaving them alone for a little while, "Be good." The question comes to mind what is good? The word of God offers us much direction when it comes to being good - it is more than living by a given standard of right and wrong - it is an action stemming from the heart. We know only one truly is good and that is our Heavenly Father. None of us can match His goodness but we can strive to be good.
        Some speak of being good, as lf that is all that is needed for a heavenly trip, but the problem is we all have sinned and fallen short of God's glory. There is then a need to receive forgiveness, but it can only come after a price has been paid. The problem with our sin is the price is death - for the wages of sin is death. This presents a problem because our death is nothing more than a punishment and by dying we cannot redeem ourselves from our own sin.         The only hope is that someone would die for us and that someone would need to be sinless. Now enters Jesus Christ! Wow! We have a redeemer, one who took our sins and nailed them to a cross- the perfect Lamb of God and the sign of God’s acceptance of Christ death for is the resurrection.
        Why remind ourselves of the message of our atonement? , Because now we can "Be Good!" Yes now we have a reason to not be vengeful. Yes we have a reason to do good to our brothers and sisters in The Lord. Yes we now have a reason to do good to everyone! We are blood bought children of God - we are the redeemed of The Lord! So say so, not in word only, but in the way you choose to live your life. "Be Good!"
John 13:34,35  
34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.35By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

Fast vengefulness today by not reacting with a wrong when you are wronged, instead find a way to share Christ’ love through a good action.


Pastor - March 25th, 2023 at 8:14am

May your love oh Lord flow through me toward others.

Pastor - March 16th, 2024 at 6:08pm

LORD, thank you for redeeming my soul. May my actions toward others reflect the goodness you have shown to me.