40 Day Journey - Day 17

March 8
Fast Spontaneity                                                                                                                                      

Hosea 14:9
Who is wise? Let them realize these things. Who is discerning? Let them understand. The ways of The Lord are right; the righteous walk in them, but the rebellious stumble in them.

        We all are given a set of paths to follow each day. The paths of life are always filled with many decisions when trying to choose the right way. Hosea makes it easy for us, if you truly want the right direction for your life follow the ways of The Lord. Those who wish to be wise desire the Lord's direction. The wicked are quick to choose what will benefit their desires with little or no regard for God's way.
        The problem with following after the flesh is one will soon stumble and find hurt and destruction when they are faced with that which is right. Our society creates laws to keep us on the right path, if one goes against the law they will eventually stumble, or pay a price for breaking the law.
        The same is true with God's ways- He has given us knowledge and guidance to live life to the fullest without regret, but we must follow after His ways to truly enjoy life. God made us and truly knows what we have need of. For us to live a fulfilled life there is only one way - that being God's way. For all that The Lord has to offer is for our benefit for "The ways of The Lord are right."

Fast Spontaneity today – take time before making that decision or saying what’s on your mind as you seek direction from the Lord.

1 Comment

Tom Robinson - March 18th, 2023 at 8:56pm

I Praise The Lord for showing us the right path to take, we just have to do it, Praise Him for it